VIN: Johnny Hallyday's Lamborghini Miura P400 chassis 3006

History of chassis 3006
Chassis 3006 was the 20th Miura built. Finished in white with a black interior, it was signed off on 29th May 1967 and dispatched to British Motors in Paris run by Edgar Bensoussan.
On June 1st, the car was collected by its first owner, the singer, Johnny Hallyday (Jean-Philippe Smet).
Hallyday released his first album in 1960. By 1961 he was topping the charts throughout Europe.
Often likened to a Gallic Elvis Presley, during the course of his 57 year career, Hallyday sold over 110 million records and appeared on more than 2500 magazine covers.
Hallyday was photographed collecting his brand new Miura on the Champs-Elysees, at which point it was still on dealer plates 7667 WWA 75. Shortly afterwards, chassis 3006 appeared in the music video for J’ai crie a la nuit.
The car was subsequently registered 227 J 92 and Hallyday added a pair of nose-mounted spot-lights.
On July 2nd 1967, Hallyday released his ninth studio album, Johnny 67, and embarked on a promotional tour.
At 2am in the morning of August 28th, Hallyday and his personal photographer, Jean-Marie Perier, set off on a 500km journey from Saint-Tropez to Bayonne where Hallyday was to perform a show. By 10am, Hallyday and Perier were on schedule to reach Bayonne by noon. They stopped for a coffee in Tarbes at which point there was still 150km to cover.
However, while travelling along the N117 on the outskirts of Ger, Hallyday went off the road at around 180kmh. The Lamborghini ploughed into an acacia tree and left Perier with a cut eyebrow. Hallyday miraculously escaped uninjured and went on to perform that same evening.
Edgar Bensoussan bought the damaged Miura and sent it back to Italy where it was eventually completely rebuilt.
Chassis 3006 was signed off by the factory for the second time on July 10th 1970. On this occasion, it was finished in Argento / Nero and dispatched to a new French owner.
Notable History
Bianco / Nero
0.9mm chassis
20th Miura built
Left-hand drive
29/05/1967 signed off at factory
British Motors, 56-58 Rue La Fontaine, 75016 Paris
Sold to Johnny Hallyday
28/08/1967 crashed on the N117 near Ger
Sold back to British Motors, Paris
Sent to Italy for repairs
Rebuilt as 531st Miura (Argento / Nero)
Text copyright: Supercar Nostalgia
Photo copyright: unattributed