VIN: Barry Robinson's Lamborghini Countach 5000 S chassis CLA12550

History of chassis CLA12550
Chassis CLA12550 was one of 323 Countach 5000 S built. Of these, 37 were right-hand drive.
During its early life, CLA12550 was the most frequently road-tested Countach 5000 S in Britain’s motoring press.
Dispatched from the factory on 24th January 1983, it was ordered through Portman Lamborghini by demolition contractor, Barry Robinson.
CLA12550 was imported to the UK on Italian customer export plate, EE 005 AK. In June, it was registered RYP 547Y, but was quickly switched to Barry Robinson’s famous personal plate, BR 33.
CLA12550 left the factory in red with beige leather, a sports exhaust and rear spoiler. It also came with a blueprinted engine said to produce over 400bhp.
This was put to good effect in October 1983 when Robinson and Alex Postan drove the Countach at Millbrook Proving Ground to set eleven outright UK production car speed records ranging from 154.78mph over 5km to 131.87mph over 500km. Afterwards, CLA12550 was displayed at the British Motor Show.
CLA12550 subsequently featured in Motor magazine (March 1984) and Car magazine (April 1984). It later appeared in several Lamborghini books to include Lamborghini Countach Super Profile published by Paul Clark in 1986.
Later in the 1980s, Barry Robinson purchased a Countach Quattrovalvole which was followed by a 25th Anniversary. Both times, the BR 33 plate was transferred to his new cars.
These photographs were taken at Goodwood in 1983.
Text copyright: Supercar Nostalgia
Photo copyright: Supercar Nostalgia & Car -