VIN: the works Porsche 917 chassis 002

VIN: the works Porsche 917 chassis 002


History of chassis 002

Of the 25 917s built to secure homologation, chassis 002 was one of nine that saw competitive action in 1969.

002 appeared in public just twice.

Its first outing came at the Le Mans Test in late March where it was driven by Rolf Stommelen to set fastest time of the day. One of two 917s taken to la Sarthe, both examples ran the original Langheck body configuration.

In Stommelen’s hands, 002 hit an astonishing 220mph down the Mulsanne Straight.

Three weeks later, 002 took its place in the factory line up for the FIA homologation inspection.

Once homologation had been approved (on May 1st 1969), 002 was taken to Belgium for the Spa 1000km World Sportscar Championship race. By this time, it had been reconfigured with the new Kurzheck rear body section.

Spa marked the 917’s competition debut. 002 was to be driven by Gerhard Mitter and Udo Schutz.

Its sister car from the Le Mans Test (003) was taken for Jo Siffert and Brian Redman. While Siffert and Redman elected to race the more stable 908, Mitter and Schutz persevered with the 917.

After qualifying eighth, 002’s plain white body had a dihedral red noseband added for the race.

However, the car suffered engine problems from the off and Mitter crawled round to the pits where 002 was retired at the end of the opening lap.

Once returned to the factory, the car was subjected to Porsche’s Long Distance Life Test. The Long Distance Life Test was carried out on several 917s to check the fatigue rates of major components.

Upon completion of this work 002 was scrapped.

Notable History

Porsche System Engineering

30/03/1969 IND Le Mans Test (R. Stommelen) 1st oa, 1st S5.0 class (#45)
21/04/1969 Factory homologation presentation
11/05/1969 WSC Spa 1000km (G. Mitter / U. Schutz) DNF engine (#30)

Subject to Long Distance Life Test and then scrapped

Text copyright: Supercar Nostalgia
Photo copyright: Porsche -

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